For those who know Martine's aventures, you know how Martine have a real plebiscite for the young readers... here below, you'll see differents Martine covers hijacked for fun ! And as you can see there are some for all tastes...
Title: "Martine buy a freezer"
Title: "Martine buy a freezer"
Title: "Martine: Work more to earn more" (see the slogan of Nicolas Sarcozy)
Title: "Martine: Work more to earn more" (see the slogan of Nicolas Sarcozy)
Title: "Martine don't have more paper (toilet) but improvize"
Title: "Martine don't have more paper (toilet) but improvize"
Title: "Martine: shit my pill !"
Title: "Martine: shit my pill !"
Title: "Martine leave the loft"
Title: "Martine leave the loft"
Title: "Martine denouce her communist neighbour"
Title: "Martine denouce her communist neighbour"
Title: "Martine insult the strikers"
Title: "Martine insult the strikers"
Title: "Martine die from the second page"
Title: "Martine die from the second page"
Title: "Martine find her rabbit"
Title: "Martine find her rabbit"
Title: "Martine touch wee-wee"
Title: "Martine touch wee-wee"
Title: "Martine miss the gaypride"
Title: "Martine miss the gaypride"
Title: "Martine stuff her sister"
Title: "Martine stuff her sister"
Title: "Martine has a job at the SNCF" (like a state employee)
Title: "Martine has a job at the SNCF" (like a state employee)
Title: "Martine and the kama sutra"
Title: "Martine and the kama sutra"
Title: "Martine unplugged"
Title: "Martine unplugged"
Title: "Martine build a furniture from Ikea"
Title: "Martine build a furniture from Ikea"
Title: "Martine taunt the France from the bottom" (see the words from Jean-Pierre Raffarin)
Title: "Martine taunt the France from the bottom" (see the words from Jean-Pierre Raffarin)
Want to share this ? Send this funny article under a MS Power Point presentation to your friends (right-click + "save as") ==> Martine.pps.
Addicted ? Don't hesitate to go and visit the site called "Martine cover generator".
Want more fun ? Let's play again to other free online games... click here !
In their history and mythology, the natives called "Yeti" or "Abominable Snowman" an inhabitant of the Himalaya region (Nepal and Tibet) for a wild man demon. Different communities like scientists, writers... regard the Yeti's existence as a hoax, a legend or a misidentification of know species. The Yeti can be considered a Himalayan version of the Loch Ness monster. In Nepal, the Yeti is known not as a creature, but as a shamanist god. The Yeti is encountered only in a trance state. The Yeti has become a cultural icon, appearing in movies, books and video games. The Yeti creature is usually depicted as the scary "Abominable Snowman", but is occasionally shown as being misunderstood or used as comic relief. [Wikipedia -]
On the video games area, everything has started with the Yeti Sport saga. Yetisports began life as an online-flash-game on the 19th January 2004, soon becoming avaiable for download and as a mobile-game.
Seven versions were developed around the Yeti, and his obsession for airborn penguins, in 2004. The games saw the Yeti travel the globe on his World Tour 2004, from Antartica to Australia, Kenya,Hawaii and Austria. [Yetisports original -]In general Yeti games are short, simple and playable almost without the use of instructions hence their universal appeal, the cornerstone of the success of the games. The games appeal as much to children and youths as to housewives and managers. It is estimated that several million people on all five continents play to the Yeti games.
Here on 1GAME, you'll find several Yeti games. The Yeti appears in different versions. Some games are considered as fake compared to the original. Some others have been censored because they are too much gore to be published in a large public gaming web site opened to all free online game lovers !
Now, let's play with the YETI !
Yeti Sports Pingu Throw (preliminary version)
Yeti Sports Pingu Throw (last version)
Yeti Sports Orca Slap
Yeti Sports Seal Bounce
Yeti Sports Albatros Overload
Yeti Sports Flamingo Drive
Before, each time you came to playZgame, you had to type your login and password to be logged. Now you have to type your login and password and click on the box "Remember me" only once a year. You need that your computer accepts the cookies. It means that each time you come to play with the free online games you will be reconized and you will have access directly to your prefered games.
Autologin ? What's this exactly ?!!
In fact, it is just a cookies stored in your computer if you accept it. It will be used the next time to reconize you. The cookie has been set for a duration of 1 year. During this period, you don't need to type your login and password (except if you click on "logout").
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Summary of the advantages to be registred on playZgame:
- Vote for your prefered games (click on "I like this game" or "don't show me more game like this")
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The gaming environment is definitively more pleasant and fun when you are registered and logged in !
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Pinball is a new category on playZgame ! Click here to go directly to this new category.
Thanks to this category you will have a direct access to play to the pinball games. For the moment, there are only 4 new pinball games.
For me, the best one is "Starsky and Hutch". The pinball is just perfect !
So now you just have to play to the pinball games and continue for having fun... with playZgame
Enjoy !
AB (Snoozy)
Hello Gamers, Bloggers, Webmasters,
I would like to thank you all who visite regularly playZgame. I see in the statistics that you are more and more every day to come back for playing or to find free web content for your blog or your site. I wish you to continue to have fun on our site ! Besides, feel free to send me an email webmaster[AT] with your comments (positive or bad ones are more than welcome). Thanks to your message I continue to improve the site.
Today I would like to highlight the fact that during the last quarter you can find 100 new online games on playZgame. We try to select the best one (quality is better than the quantity !).
Among the most played games during the last quarter, we find the star of playZgame: Antbuster with 3089 hits, Harry Potter Whomping Willow with 1205 hits, Shuffle with 965 hits, Super Mario Flash with 680 hits, Ball Trap with 598 hits and Boomshine with 576 hits.
Among my prefered games, there are at least Antbuster, Shuffle, Ball trap and Boomshine !
After you are registred, thinck to vote for your favorite games because you can find them again in the views called "My favorite Games" (By Category or By Name). I think this is a good way to access directly to your prefered games !
Enjoy !
AB (Snoozy)